Crypto Account Recommendations
04.08.2021 - Bruce Kroeze
Talking with a friend the other day, I realized that I had listed far too many sites for him to investigate. Not only that, he was going to lose context and probably get confused afterwards.
So, here is a quick list of the sites I recommend you get set up as soon as you can in your crypto investment journey.
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How to get started investing in Crypto
03.31.2021, last updated 04.05.2021 - Bruce Kroeze
Every Monday morning, while drinking a cup of excellent cold-brew coffee, I am pleased to see an email titled “You stacked with Swan.”
That’s because I have set up a very inexpensive ($0.50 cost) weekly buy of Bitcoin, and it relentlessly stacks up.
Here’s why and how you could do the same.
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COSMOS for Blockchain Game Development?
02.16.2021 - Bruce Kroeze
I’ve been considering how to implement a blockchain game I think would be very fun and competitive.
One problem in development of such a thing is the awkward nature of Smart Contracts in Ethereum . They’re deliberately kinda clunky and not all that agile or flexible. That makes sense for financial instruments, it also makes creating a game very difficult.
So, I’ve been looking for a solution and I may have found it in Cosmos .
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“The Well” - First Character, Renodus
02.13.2021 - Bruce Kroeze
I’ve been enjoying getting and slowly reading through the PDFs from my RPG Kickstarter Rampage of last fall. So far, it is one of the games on my shortlist to actually-play-instead-of-just-reading-the-rules is “The Well” , by Shoeless Pete Games.
Renodus is a character I made as part of my read-through. I think he makes some of the unique points of this game shine quite nicely.
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Taverns and Mad Mages Campaign So Far
01.21.2021 - Bruce Kroeze
For the last 18 months or so, my gaming group has been playing Dungeons & Dragons (5E). The first year was spent exploring Waterdeep, using “Waterdeep Dragon Heist” as the base of the adventure, with the Alexandrian remix thrown in just to make it more fun and a tiny bit more “logical.”
This is the backstory writeup, which may get more detailed as I remember things. It has been 18 months after all.
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Kickstarter find - Necronautilus
11.29.2020 - Bruce Kroeze
This summer, I decided to dedicate some money to funding other peoples' dreams in a way that I would also enjoy.
That’s a nice way of saying that I starting funding a lot more Kickstarter projects. This is one of my favorites from summer, Necronautilus
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